Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/89801e93450811ef9ecc0affc7106aaf

Management Boot Camp

with Sally Klauss


Next session: April 7th to May 2nd, 2025

$295 More Info

Enhance your management skills through this course for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing creates success like a solid foundation. Discover the keys for effectively managing your employees. Find out how to create clear expectations, engage and motivate employees, and increase your effectiveness through use of the DiSC personality profile (included). By the end of the course we will have you managing like a pro - quickly and with confidence.

How it Works click HERE.

Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/89ac8828450811ef9ecc0affc7106aaf

Management Certificate

with Sally Klauss, William A, Draves, Kassia Dellabough


Next session: April 7th to June 27th, 2025

$595 More Info

Enhance your management skills through this program for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing creates success like a solid foundation. Discover the keys for effectively managing your employees. Find out how to create clear expectations, engage and motivate employees, and increase your effectiveness.

Then you will explore the principles of collaborative management and gain insight on how to expand your collaborative skills for success of your team or organization. 

Finally, get the keys to manage different generations in your workplace. Discover what motivates each generation at work, what incentives they respond to, and what messages they value.

This certificate includes:

  • Management Boot Camp
  • Management in the 21st Century
  • Managing Generations in the Workplace

How it Works click HERE.

Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/90faa070450811ef9ecc0affc7106aaf

Integrating Social Media in Your Organization

with Jo-Carolyn Goode


Next session: June 2nd to 27th, 2025

$195 More Info

Take away a practical strategy and techniques for implementing a social strategy for your organization or business.  Learn the top five considerations when starting a social network as well as tips to manage an online community. Discover how to create your own private social network using the Ning platform. Discuss the top tools to use to manage your social media life and build integration into your website. See how Google Docs and Calendars work and how to use online video to further your business goals. Hear about mobile check-in applications and how companies are using coupon and deal sites. Get your company listed properly on local search engines so more customers can find you. Discuss how web design has changed and get feedback on your website while discovering usability testing and user interface design. Finally, learn how to manage this influx of information created by the new media revolution. Develop a manageable workflow and get productivity tips to be more efficient.  Learn what you might be doing wrong in social media as well as essential policies to have in place for your employees and company. See what trends are on the horizon and where your goals fit with those new trends.

How it Works click HERE.

Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/77f0624b4f4511efad4412d8e3e99d15

Introduction to ChatGPT

with Elizabeth Flanagan


Next session: April 7th to May 2nd, 2025

$195 More Info

Unlock the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with ChatGPT, the fastest-growing app in the world. In this course, you’ll learn how AI tools can dramatically increase your productivity and provide you with a competitive advantage in the workplace. Designed for anyone seeking to acquire new skills, you’ll gain an understanding of the capabilities of AI tools and how to leverage them to achieve your goals faster and easier than ever before.

How it Works click HERE.

Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/882d4d5b450811ef9ecc0affc7106aaf

Introduction to Coding

with Jeff Kritzer


Next session: April 7th to May 2nd, 2025

$195 More Info

After taking this course in 'Introduction to Coding', you will be introduced to the basics of computer programing and various programing languages. New technologies allow people outside of the computer science field to be able to create their own web pages using code. Students will learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and Java Script in this course, as well as the practical uses for each.

How it Works click HERE.

Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/8867e939450811ef9ecc0affc7106aaf

Introduction to Data Analysis

with John Rutledge


Next session: April 7th to May 2nd, 2025

$195 More Info

Data Analysis is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace.  Companies have vast amounts of data, but it is rare to have someone with the ability to analyze that data to see trends and make predictions.  This course will give you a basic understanding of how to analyze data in a business setting.  Businesses look for candidates with an understanding of how to analyze the data they have been collecting; this course will help you start on that journey.

How it Works click HERE.